Attachments |
Tables - fares, routes and timetables in a printer friendly PDF format. |
Postal Booking Form |
Standing Order Payments_2024 |
See the Routes and Timetables page for details of the services.
Any YEARLY TICKET can be paid in full or by Standing Order over 9 payments. TO USE this option please ORDER on line but do not pay then e mail us at with the order number.We will then send you the relevant information. .(SEE THE ATTACHMENT FOR DETAILS)
The yearly pass is by far the cheapest way to pay for school travel. There are no refunds for journeys not taken when the service is operating.
To order your ticket, select your route and stop number on the Routes and Timetables page and click the 'buy a ticket' link for the stop you require.
You can then either continue and pay by card on line, post a cheque or set up a standing order payment for yearly tickets (see above) or pay directly into our account.
Download a copy of the Postal Booking Form and the Tables (see attachments at right) then complete the form and return it to us with your payment.
*A ten trip pass is valid for 10 individual journeys either to or from school with no time limit.